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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Banksy + 5: October 10th

Banksy + 5: October 10th

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


So I'm re-starting my wonderful dormant company, Midnight Publishing Group, Inc. 


Because I have my hands grasped firmly around ideas that I know I can create, market and profit from.


Within the past year I've watched two swiftly successful companies be built from the ground up by close friends and I know I can do the same. 

First you create the idea, then you encapsulate the idea in a beautifully desirable package. After the packaging, you push it and you keep pushing until it moves. Sounds simple but essentially that is the game. 

Can I stick to the game? 

Balance. Balance. Balance.

Work requirements, business projects,social, life.

No this is not my idea but this is a really cute robot I made a year or so ago.

 Mostly I enjoy doing grim pop-culture portraits and paintings. This little guy was an experiment of mine which is enjoyable to work with but I don't see a market for him.

I'll be posting more of my work soon on and on (my personal portfolio site).


Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Russian Billionaire Wants to Create Cyborgs for Real

I think many people would trade their current life for this..
In science fiction, one of the most popular concepts is the cyborg — a creature that's part human and part machine. Now, a Russian billionaire is determined to take this sci-fi trope and make it a reality.
The man is named Dmitry Itskov, and no, this isn't an April Fools' joke. Itskov is totally serious about wanting to make humans immortal by merging them with machines, and he's been pushing the project forward since 2011 when he founded the 2045 Initiative, ostensibly the deadline for "substance-independent" minds to receive artificial bodies — what some scientists refer to as the Singularity.
See the full article on Mashable.